Speaker setup using Dark Star feet

Dark Star feet will work well under any HiFi component, though they were originally specifically designed for speakers as an isolation device. They can take a lot of weight and keep your speakers stable. They decouple the speakers from your listening environment to let them sound their best. They can totally transform your listening experience by detaching the sound from the speakers for a more natural, almost holographic soundscape.

Cork disks are included – These can be used on hard surfaces and on top of the feet to stop things sliding around, or make fine levelling adjustments. On carpet it may be better to leave them off.

A few setup tips you may wish to try:

The first image, A, shows a typical setup with speakers opposite a sofa or seating area.

The second image, B, shows how it may be possible to improve the sound.

1. It may be beneficial for soundstage to ‘toe in’ the speakers, so the lines of fire cross just in front of where you sit. Try different angles to find the best for your space.

2. Move the speakers away from the walls.

3. Move your seating away from the back wall.

4. Avoid multi-strand speaker cables. Single insulated wires give a cleaner sound as the signal has a fixed cable length. With multi-strands touching each other there are so many different paths that the signal looses fine high frequency detail.

Best wishes and happy listening

Miles – Solidair Audio.
